ASPScript is dedicated to the "classic" ASP programming language.  ASP may be old, but it is still widely used and is a very powerful programming language.

On this site I have published a small selection scripts showing some of the more advanced capabilities of ASP.  Most of the scripts are taken from code that I have at sometime deployed in a live environment, because of this many of the scripts are part of a bigger process and may not therefore be fully optimised for the task, however they should work and give you a good base to continue your own development.

The scripts are provided "as is" and without any warranty, guarantee or other assurances.  Using the scripts means that you understand and except that I have no liability for anything that happens (or possible doesn't happen) as a result of using these scripts.   The scripts are provided free of charge for both personal and commercial use, if you use a script a little mention or a hyperlink would be appreciated.